The Dark Night Online - INVITATION TO PROSECUTORS of CYBER & CRYPTO CRIME WORLDWIDE - join me this year as I network to collect and connect prosecutors in every jurisdiction worldwide. Collaborate in a pilot program that I am personally managing.

My aim is to support the development of well prepared evidence; specifically designed to assist prosecutors and their law enforcement counterparts, to win more cases.
Aside from the powerful forensic Blockchain evidence provided by the Gray Wolf Analytics platform, I am also diving deep into the departmental WORKFLOWS for REMOTE LAW ENFORCEMENT COLLABORATION.
A genuine expert across financial technology industry transformation, I utilise highly advanced remote collaboration practices at the bleeding edge of best practice for pilot programs. (See my career history for evidence of success).
I work crypto and cyber crime cases worldwide and seek prosecutors who are actively driving their law enforcement teams, who are open to learn something new. open to collaborate, and who want to win.
I will feed you some of the biggest and most important cases worldwide to add to your list of wins. You will experience a dedication to a core focus on improving the quality of evidence to support prosecutors. I won't just pay attention to you, I will adapt processes and procedures specially to benefit your case-win-success. You will have access to my collaboration systems, to intelligence and to relevant jurisdictional case work.
I will help you win.
I am independent, which is a major advantage to unbiased, victim centric work across the FinTech ecosystem. The truth is that many people who work in this arena ARE BEING FOOLED by, and SELLING OUT to; FinTech companies that are currently under investigation for harbouring criminals. I am one of the very few independent people prepared to take on the billion dollar corporations that are hiding behind a pretension to mitigate crime. A state of affairs evidenced by INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM and by SEC and U.S. Justice Department.
I will teach you more about the true consumer experience than anyone you know.
Thanks to feedback from victims.
You'll also get to teach me how I can improve the environment that you operate in.
To support victims.
Behind this is an AI platform, that is taking our feedback on board to adapt the platform to more directly assist law enforcement. Your feedback may also lead to innovation of solutions that make your job easier.
You will get access to crypto and cyber crime cases with individual losses up to USD50m. Cases that expose the negligence of Financial Services Industry participants, across their marketing, AML, KYC, CTF and their customer support practices.
This will include cryptocurrency exchanges, and will extend to cases that involve National Security and targeted attacks on Western architecture and infrastructure. Rogue nations may well be leveraging the vulnerability of financial managers in major transnational corporations.
USE THE LIVE CHAT on this website to direct message me if this interests you.
GLYN MACLEAN | FOUNDER The Dark Night Online