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How to sponsor a case

No one should be left to feel lost or forsaken.

Aim is to make a legitimate quality investigative and paralegal administrative service available to victims, who are already in financial difficulty.

There are significant real-world costs in the software tools, and the work itself is difficult and time consuming.

To get a detailed, forensic chain of evidence, suitable for law enforcement to use in a legitimate criminal prosecution takes skill, time, and effort at the paralegal and investigative expertise level.

The victim's situation is dire and urgent, but the work itself requires diligence and patience, and these situations are always at odds with each other.

Yet people still need help. Therefore, I am seeking support from donors to assist me to take on pro bono cases and work these to the same standards as any other case.


I will provide transparent insight into the cases, including giving the donor/sponsor direct collaborative access to the sponsored client case work, so that donors and sponsors can see progress. This can and will only occur once the sponsor/donor is vetted and is accepted to partner on the case with the victim's permission.


However, beware that privacy is paramount, and sponsors and donors will be vetted so that no one on the U.S. Department of Treasury Sanctions list is transacting, or any other party which might be considered suspect to investigation by State, Federal or other authorities.


I am aware that bad actors are trying to infiltrate my network and savvy to the fact of their manipulation. If these kinds of people are stupid enough to try to get me or my clients, my monitoring tools will be sufficient to provide evidence to authorities for criminal prosecution.


For transparency, TDNO was previously sponsored and funded by RCN ASIA, A New Zealand company that I own, that provides foreign trade support services to Western businesses engaging Asia. However, due to the present conflict between USA and China, Western businesses are withdrawing from China. The consequence is that my capacity to fully fund pro bono work from this entity has ceased.


For transparency, I am not in any way linked to communism and do not support the Chinese Communist Party. New Zealand citizen who lives in Australia, committed to upholding Australian and international law, through positive collaboration with law enforcement.

With that said, I am pro-multiculturalism, cultural diversity, cultural inclusion and against racism and xenophobia. Pro cross-cultural trade and peaceful trade with Asia, including China. Governments sometimes to misinform the public and as a multicultural expert and expert on Asia, I will challenge anyone who misdirects the public. We must uphold integrity.

I am on the side of the victims of crypto crime and seeking to hold the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency industries to account for negligence and incompetence that has allowed criminals to exploit consumers.

My preference is to work positively with anyone who wants to step up. Expect technology industry leaders to step up with me to do the right thing. But if tech leaders are approached by me and ignore the fact that clients are victims due to behaviours they are in control of, I will leverage my capabilities to reach board members, shareholders, C level executives, and the media to invoke solutions that serve to reduce and mitigate cryptocurrency crime.


Partly funding pro bono work by reducing fees on a case-by-case basis. The aim being to make a legitimate quality investigative and paralegal administrative service available to victims, who are already in financial difficulty. Whether I get funding or not, I am committed to helping these people. DO THE RIGHT THING.

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