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USA Case Threshold Feedback

USA CYBER CRIME VICTIMS: WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - FBI IC3 FEDERAL JURISDICTION THRESHOLDS - Are you a victim of Crypto, Cyber and Financial Crime who has submitted to FBI and have been turned away due to not 'meeting the threshold'?

Please contact Angie Lamothe, Volunteer Community Manager for TDNO by email at:

Angie will explain a project that she is leading to give a voice to victims.

The project will maintain your anonymity, safety and dignity, while sharing valuable feedback to help FBI to improve the evidence gathering and justice delivery process at IC3.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the officers and executive leaders working at FBI and in IC3. We know that you are facing what can only be described as an epidemic crisis of financial terrorism against U.S. Citizens.

We are here to support you.

If you are interested in our pioneering programs for evidence efficacy transformation, please follow Blockchain Downunder

PS - Angie is volunteering to fight crypto crime... please support Angie by getting a massage and your nails done!

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